National Preparedness Month - Drop-in Session

Time: 10:30-11:30am

Happy National Preparedness Month!

National Preparedness Month was started by FEMA as a way to encourage individuals and businesses to get more involved in preparedness. Every year in September, there is a focus on four main topics that become themes for the four weeks in September. This year, the themes are making and practicing your plan, learning life-saving skills, checking your insurance coverage, and planning financially for disasters.

Join the League's Emergency Management Program staff as we celebrate this year's National Preparedness Month with a weekly brown bag or drop in session to learn more about what you and your family can do to be more prepared for an emergency. Each session will teach you important preparedness information, provide you with resources to keep your learning going, and allow for questions you may have about the particulars of each subject.

Save the dates:
Personal Preparedness Drop-in Session - Thursday Sept. 6th 10:30am-12noon, Beacon Hill Board Room
Bleeding Control Brown-Bag Learning - Friday Sept. 14th 12-1pm, Scollay Square Conference Room
National Day of Action - Saturday Sept. 15th - at home. Take one action towards being more prepared and then send us a picture!
Know Your Insurance Drop-in Session - Wednesday Sept. 19th 10:30am-12noon, Beacon Hill Board Room
Financial Planning for Emergencies Drop-in Session - Wednesday Sept. 26th 10:30-11:30am, Beacon Hill Board Room

Please note that these are drop in sessions where you may come and go as you please and stay for as long as you want, so clear the whole time because that's how much fun it'll be.

Questions? Contact Taylor Frizzell at